Tournament Guidelines

League Tournament formats may vary by league & season due to reasons such as number of teams and available field time (lights) etc. Your league manager will notify you of the format and rules prior to your league tournament.

Rankings & Seeding:

  1. Teams are ranked by the final season standings from highest to lowest. The rankings stay the same throughout the tournament and are not re-sorted based on tournament results.
  2. Some leagues may separate the social teams (last place teams) from the main tournament and play in a "social tournament".


Game Length:

  1. Games are 6 innings or one hour (current inning may be completed).
  2. Note: Some tournaments may play 5 innings or 50 minutes (current inning may be completed).

Tie Breaks:

  1. If a game is tied after regulation play, a tie break method listed below shall be used to determine a winner.
  2. Check with your current seasons league manager for specific details on the tie break format for your tournament.

Kansas City Play:

Kicking -
1) The last kicker to make an out in the previous inning
shall start on second base.
2) The first (1st) kicker of the inning shall be the next kicker due up in the lineup.

3) Teams will kick as usual and the inning will last the normal 3 outs.

Fielding -
1) Only eight (8) players shall play defense.

2) Four (4) players must be male and four (4) player must be female unless gender requirements have been altered by the League Manager.

3) One of those players must play catcher.  

Accuracy Kick:

  1. Each team shall choose 1 kicker (any eligible player who played in the game)
  2. The ball shall be placed on home plate.
  3. The home team shall decide if they want to kick 1st or 2nd.
  4. The kickers shall kick the ball towards 2nd base. The ball than ends up closest to 2nd base (past the base counts) shall win the game.
  5. Note: Each team is entitled to one practice kick prior to the accuracy round starting. No mulligan's or do-overs.

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